Surprise, K. D McLaren, I Moller, JP Sapinski, D Stabinsky, JC Stephens. 2025. Profit-seeking solar geoengineering exemplifies broader risks of market-based climate governance. Earth System Governance 23: 100242.
Stephens, JC. 2025. Why is Climate Justice Missing from new Government Programme? RTE Brainstorm. January 22, 2025
Kinol, A, Y Si, J Kinol, JC Stephens, 2025. Networks of Climate Obstruction: Discourses of denial and delay in US fossil enery, plastic, and agrichemical industries. PLOS Climate. January 15, 2025
Stephens, JC. 2025. On Climate Change, Are Universities Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution. Times Higher Ed. January 9 2025
McGeown, C. S. Sheehan, JC Stephens, J. Barry. 2024. The Climate Justice Universities Union: Reclaiming the Transformative Power of Higher Education Rundale, December 12, 2024
Hiltner, S, E. Eaton, N. Healy, A. Scerri, G. Supran, JC Stephens. 2024. Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda. WIREs Climate Change. September 4, 2024
Eaton, E and JC Stephens. 2024. How the Oil and Gas Industry Influences Higher Education. The Conversation. September 8, 2024.
Stephens, JC & Orla Kelly. 2024. Leveraging Ireland’s climate justice leadership: Time to abandon organised hypocrisy. Eolas. August 2024
Stephens, JC. 2024. An Urgent Need for Climate Justice. Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard University. July 16, 2024
Ahmed, S, G. Galford, B. Panikkar, D. Rizzo, JC Stephens, 2024. Carbon Collusion: Cooperation, Coordination and Climate Obstruction in the Global Oil and Gas Network. Energy Policy, July 2024
Stephens, JC. 2024. Divesting From Israel’s War Isn’t Naive. Students Did It With Fossil Fuels. Truthout. June 2024
Kuhl, L., JC Stephens, C. A. Serrano, M. Perez Lugo, C. Ortiz Garcia and R. Ellis (2024). Fossil Fuel Interests in Puerto Rico: Perceptions of Incumbent Power and Discourses of Delay" Energy Research and Social Science.
Stephens, JC. 2024. "The dangers of masculine technological optimism: Why feminist, antiracist values are essential for social justice, economic justice, and climate justice." Environmental Values 33(1): 58-70.
Sokol, M. and JC Stephens. 2024. Central banks should be fighting the climate crisis - here's why." The Conversation. January 4, 2024.
Stephens, JC. 2023. Reconnecting Economics Education with Today's Global Realities." Nonprofit Quarterly December 20, 2023:
Stephens, JC & M. Sokol. 2023. Financial Innovation for Climate Justice: Central Banks and transformative ‘creative disruption’. Climate and Development. 1-12
Stephens, JC 2023. Gender and climate justice. Chapter in Handbook on Climate Change and Technology. Eds F. Urban and J. Nordensvard. Edward Elgar: p. 436-435.
Stephens, JC and M. Sokol. 2023. Why the Fed should treat climate change's $150B economic toll like other national crises it's helped fight. The Conversation. Nov 29, 2023.
Hoicka, C.E., JC Stephens, Y Zhao, PS Hernandez. 2023 Misalignment or exclusion? Investigating climate and energy philanthropy funding of diversity. Energy Research & Social Science.
Si, Y., Desai, D., Bozhilova, D., Puffer, S., & JC Stephens. 2023. Fossil fuel companies' climate communication strategies: Industry messaging on renewables and natural gas Energy Research and Social Science, 98. DOI
Kinol, A., Miller, E., Axtell, H., Hirschfeld, I., Leggett, S., Si, Y., & Stephens, JC 2023. Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities. Climatic Change, 176(2), 15. doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03486-4
Kane, M., Allen, E., Si, Y., & Stephens, JC. 2023. Sharing in Future Electric Energy Systems. In B. Heydari, O. Ergun, R. Dyal-Chand, & Y. Bart (Eds.), Reengineering the Sharing Economy: Design, Policy, and Regulation (pp. 191-209). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Fitzgerald, J., Schmitz, G., & Stephens, JC. 2023. Leveraging urban climate action for transformative social justice. In J. L. Rice, J. Long, & A. M. Levanda (Eds.), Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance. Athens: The University of Georgia Press.
Agyeman, J., Joseph, T., Simes, J., Stephens, JC, & Warikoo, N. 2023. Gov. Healey’s opportunity to drive transformative change. CommonWealth, January 18, 2023.
Chatterji, A., & JC Stephens. 2023. The Fed is Out of Touch on Climate. The Hill, January 27, 2023.
Stephens, JC. 2022 Feminist, Antiracist Values for Climate Justice: Moving Beyond Climate Isolationism. Chapter 13 in Sacred Civics: Building Seven Generation Cities. (eds) Engle, Agyeman, & Chung-Tian-Fook, Routledge.
Basseches, JA, RJ Bromley-Trujillo, M. Boykoff, T. Culhane, G Hall, N. Healy, DJ Hess, D. Hsu, RM Krause, HN Prechel, JT Roberts, JC Stephens, 2022, Climate Policy Conflict in the U.S. States: A Critical Review and Way Forward. Climatic Change. 170(3-4): 32.
Stephens, JC. 2022. Electrification: Opportunities for social justice and social innovation. MRS Bulletin. 10.1557/s43577-021-00245-7
Stephens, JC. & K Surprise. 2022. Climate Manipulation? Not All “Solutions” Should be Advanced. In Resilience Matters: Opportunities for Action to Strengthen Communities. (Ed) Laurie Mazur. Island Press.
Stephens, JC & E Allen. 2021. A Feminist Lens on Energy Democracy: Redistributing Power and Resisting Oppression through Renewable Transformation. Chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy.
Boyle, Alaina D, G Leggat, L Morikawa, Y Pappas, JC Stephens, 2021. Green New Deal proposals: Comparing emerging transformational climate policies at multiple scales. Energy Research & Social Science 81: 102259.
Stephens, JC, P Kashwan, D McLaren, K Surprise, 2021. The risks of solar geoengineering research. Science 372(6547): 1161-1161.
Si, Yutong and JC Stephens. 2021 . Energy Justice Through Solar: Constructing and Engaging Low-Income Households. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3(20).
Stephens, JC, 2021. Social Justice & Global Electrification: Diversifying & Distributing Power Through Antiracist Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy. The Electrochemical Society. ECS Meet. Abstr. MA2021-02 1334
Raub, KB, KF Stepenuck, B Panikkar, JC Stephens, 2021. An Analysis of Resilience Planning at the Nexus of Food, Energy, Water, and Transportation in Coastal US Cities. Sustainability 13(11): 6316.
Stephens, J. C. and Kevin Surprise, 2021. Climate Manipulation? Not All 'Solutions' Should Be Advanced. The Hill, April 18, 2021.
Stephens, JC 2021. A More Equitable Future in Environment, Economy and Energy. The Humanist. March 23 2021.
Stephens, JC 2021 “Why we need antiracist, feminist leadership on climate and energy,” in Resilience Matters: Reimagining the Future in a Tumultuous Year. Edited by Laurie Mazur
Stephens, JC. 2021 “Growing the Squad to Fight Climate Change”
Stephens, JC 2021. White Patriarchy Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis: Antiracist, Feminist Leadership is What We Need Right Now. Independent Media Institute.
Banks, J & JC Stephens 2020. Advancing Racial Justice Means Ending Fossil Fuel Reliance. Dame. December 14, 2020
Stephens, JC. 2020. Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy. Island Press.
Markusson, Nils, David Tyfield, Jennie C Stephens, Mads Dahl Gjefsen. 2020. Promises of climate engineering after neoliberalism. In Has It Come to This: Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink. JP Sapinski, Holly Jean Buck and Andreas Malm (eds). Rutgers University Press.
Sovacool, BK, DJ Hess, S Amir, FW Geels, R Hirsh, L Rodriguez Medina, C Miller, C Alvial Palavicino, R Phadke, M Ryghaug, J Schot, A Silvast, JC Stephens, A Stirling, B Turnheim, E van der Vleuten, H van Lente, S Yearley, 2020. Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research. Energy Research & Social Science 70: 101617.
Jenkins, KEJ, JC Stephens, TG Reames, D Hernandez. 2020. Towards Impactful Energy Justice Research: Transforming the Power of Academic Engagement. Energy Research and Social Science. Volume 67
Stephens, JC & Kevin Surprise. 2020. The Hidden Injustices of Advancing Solar Geoengineering Research. Global Sustainability. 3, E2. doi:10.1017/sus.2019.28
Stephens, JC. 2019. Diversifying Leadership is a Necessity for Climate and Energy. The Gender Policy Report.
Allen, Liz, Hannah Lyons, Jennie C Stephens. 2019. Women’s leadership in renewable transformation, energy justice and energy democracy: Redistributing Power. Energy Research and Social Science. Volume 57.
Stephens, JC 2019. Energy Democracy: Redistributing Power to the People Through Renewable Transformation. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 61(2): 4-13. DOI 10.1080/00139157.2019.1564212
Jorgenson, SN, Stephens, JC, & White, B. 2019. Environmental Education in Transition: A critical review of recent research on climate change and energy education. Journal of Environmental Education.
Ahamed, S, J Sperling, G Galford, JC Stephens, D Arent 2019. Regional Sustainability: The Food-Energy-Water Nexus, and Hydraulic Fracturing: An Integrated Assessment of the Denver Region. Environmental Case Studies. p.1-21
Healy, N., Stephens. J.C and S. Malin (2019). Fossil fuels are bad for your health and harmful in many ways besides climate change. The Conversation. February 7, 2019
Healy, N JC Stephens & S Malin. 2019. Emobodied Energy Injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboudary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains. Energy Research & Social Science. 48: 219-234.
Massol-Deyá, A, JC Stephens & JL Colón. 2018. Renewable Energy for Puerto Rico Science 362 (6410):7 October 5, 2018
Stephens, JC, M. J. Burke, B. Gibian, E. Jordi, R. Watts. 2018. Operationalizing Energy Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities in Vermont’s Renewable Energy Transformation. Frontiers in Communication Vol 3, 43 DOI 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00043
Stephens JC, Frumhoff PC, Yona L 2018. The role of college and university faculty in the fossil fuel divestment movement. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. Vol 6, No. 1. p. 41.
Frumhoff, PC & JC Stephens. 2018. Towards Legitimacy of the Solar Geoengineering Research Enterprise. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Vol. 376
Burke, M. and JC Stephens, 2018 Political power and renewable energy futures: A critical review. Energy Research & Social Science,
Stephens, JC. 2017. Utilities Must Go Beyond “Hardening” the Current Grid. Wall Street Journal. November 14, 2017
Burke, M. and J. C. Stephens 2017. Energy Democracy: Goals and Policy Instruments for Sociotechnical Transitions. Energy Research & Social Science.
Stephens, JC, D Kopin, EJ Wilson, TR Peterson. 2017. Framing of customer engagement opportunities and renewable energy integration by electric utility representativesy Representatives Utilities Policy. Vol 47. p.69-74.
Meadowcroft, J., JC Stephens, EJ Wilson, IH Rowlands. 2017. Social dimensions of smart grid: Regional analysis in Canada and the United States Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. https:/
Mallett, A, JC Stephens, EJ Wilson, R Langheim, R Reiber, TR Peterson. 2017. Electric (dis) Connections: Comparative review of Smart Grid news coverage in the United States and Canada. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Feldpausch-Parker, AM, JC Stephens, R Collins, JR Chisholm, TR Peterson, EJ 2017. Smart Grid Electricity System Planning Post-Superstorm Sandy: Analysis of Climate and Energy Discourse. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Hall, DM, AM Feldpausch-Parker, TR Peterson, Stephens, JC, EJ Wilson. 2017. Socio-Ecological System Resonance: A Framework for Brokering Sustainable Solutions. Sustainability Science. Vol 12, No 3. p. 381-392
Allen, E. Stephens, JC, Yorgey, G. Kruger, C., Ahamed, S. Adam, JC. 2017. Climate Science Information needs among Northwest US natural resource decision-makers. Climate Services. 5 p. 11-22
Stephens, JC, Palchak, E. Reese, B. 2017. Divestment & Investment: Strategic Financial Decisions in Higher Education to Promote Societal Change Toward Sustainability Handbook of Theory & Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Filho et al (eds) Springer International. World Sustainability Series. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47889-0_22
Markusson, N, Gjefsen, MD, Stephens, JC, Tyfield, D. 2017 The Political Economy of Technical Fixes: The (mis)alignment of Clean Fossil and Political Regimes. Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 23 p. 1-10
Pearl-Martinez, R & JC Stephens. 2016. Toward a Gender Diverse Workforce in the Renewable Energy Transition. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 12(1).
Cody, EM, Stephens, JC, Bagrow, J.P, Dodds, PS, Danforth, CM. 2016 Transitions in Climate and Energy Discourse Between Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science. DOI 10.1007/s13412-016-0391-8
Allen, E. & Stephens, JC. 2016. Enhancing “Usability” of Climate Information and Models through Stakeholder Engagementt. In Information, Models, and Sustainability: Policy Informatics in the Age of Big Data and Open Government. Editors. J. Zhang, L. Luna-Reyes, T.A. Pardo, D.S. Sayogo. Springer.
Stephens, JC. Presidential candidates offer sharp differences on the future of renewable energy. US News & World Report and The Conversation. March 3, 2016
Stephens, JC. Beyond Technology: Why the Energy Transition Needs Social Science. Solar Electric Power Association. Feb 11, 2016
Stephens, JC. & Wilson, EJ. 2016. Climate Change, Technological Innovation: A US Response. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Vol. 72, No. 1 4-6.
Stephens, JC, EJ Wilson, TR Peterson. 2015. Smart Grid (R)Evolution: Electric Power Struggles. Cambridge University Press.
Peterson TR. JC Stephens, Wilson, EJ. Public Perception of and Engagement with Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Technologies: A Literature Review. MRS Energy and Sustainability. Vol 2, e11. p.1-14
Adam, JC, JC Stephens, SH Chung, MP Brady, RD Evans, CE Kruger, BK Lamb, et al. 2015. BioEarth: Envisioning and developing a new regional earth system model to inform natural and agricultural resource management. Climatic Change. Vol 129. p.555-571
Stephens, JC. 2015. Carbon Capture and Storage: A Controversial Climate Mitigation Approach . The International Spectator. Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
Peterson TR. JC Stephens, Wilson, EJ. Public Perception of and Engagement with Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Technologies: A Literature Review. MRS Energy and Sustainability. Vol 2, e11. p.1-14
Stephens, JC, EJ Wilson, TR Peterson 2014. Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment (SPEED): A Framework Applied to Smart Grid UCLA Law Review 61(6): 1930-1961
Langheim, R, M Skubel, X Chen, W Maxwell, TR Peterson, EJ Wilson and JC Stephens. 2014 Smart Grid Coverage in U.S. Newspapers: Characterizing Public Conversations The Electricity Journal. Vol. 27 No. 5 p. 77-87
Adam, J, JC Stephens, et al. 2014. BioEarth: Envisioning and developing a new regional earth system model to inform natural and agricultural resource management. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1115-2
Fischlein, M, AM Feldpausch-Parker, TR Peterson, JC Stephens, EJ Wilson. 2014. Which Way Does the Wind Blow? Analyzing the State Context for Renewable Energy Deployment in the United States. Environmental Policy & Governance. DOI:10.1002/eet.1636
Stephens, JC. 2014. Time to Stop CCS Investments and End Government Subsidies of Fossil Fuels Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. Volume 5 p. 169-173 doi: 10.1002/wcc.266
Stephens, JC, EJ Wilson, TR Petereson, J. Meadowcroft. 2013. Getting Smart? Climate Change and the Electric Grid Challenges 4(2): 201-216
Koenigs, C., M. Suri, A Kriter, C. Elling, TR Peterson, JC Stephens, EJ Wilson, 2013 A Smarter Grid for Renewable Energy: Different States of Action. Challenges. 4(2) 217-233.
Allen, E. C Kruger, FY Leung, Stephens, JC 2013. Diverse Perceptions of Stakeholder Engagement within an Environmental Modeling Research Team Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Jiusto, S. McCauley, S. & Stephens, JC. 2013. Integrating Shared Action Learning into Higher Education for Sustainability. Journal of Sustainability Education. Vol. 5
Felspausch-Parler, AM, R Chaudhry, JC Stephens, M Fischlein, DM Hall, LL Melnick, TR Petereson, CJ Ragland, EJ Wilson. 2013. Spreading the News on Carbon Capture and Storage: A State-Level Comparison of US Media. Environmental Communication.
Chaudhry R., M Fishchlein, J Larson, DM Hall, TR Peterson, EJ Wilson, JC Stephens. 2013. Policy Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): A Comparison of Four US States. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 52, p.21-32
Boyd, AD, Y Liu, JC Stephens, E Wilson, M Pollak, TR Peterson, E Einsiedel & J Meadowcroft. 2013 Controversy in Technology Innovation: Contrasting Media and Expert Risk Perceptions of the Alleged Leakage at the Weyburn Carbon Dioxide Storage Demonstration Project. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol 14. p. 259-269.
Fischlein, M. EJ Wilson, JC Stephens, TR Peterson. 2013. States of transmission: moving towards large scale wind power. Energy Policy. 56. p. 101-113
Climate Change: An Encyclopedia of Science and History. 2013. Editors: BC Black, DM Hassenzahl, JC Stephens, G Weisel, & N Gift. ABC-Clio Publishers. Santa Barbara, CA.
McCauley, SM and Stephens, JC 2012. Green Energy Clusters and Socio-Technical Transitions: Analysis of a Sustainable Energy Cluster for Regional Economic Development in Central Massachusetts, USA. Sustainability Science. Vol 7. No. 2 p. 213-225
Stephens, JC and Liu, Y 2012. The Evolving International CCS Community. In The Social Dynamics of Carbon Capture and Storage. Editors: N. Markusson, S. Shackley, & B. Evar. Routledge.
Markusson, N, Ishii, A and JC Stephens. 2012. Learning in CCS Demonstration Projects: Social and Political Dimensions In Social Dynamics of Carbon Capture and Storage. Editors: N. Markusson, S. Shackley, & B Evar. Routledge.
Stephens, JC and S McCauley. Clusters in Transition: Analysis of a Sustainable Energy-Cluster Initiative in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. Invited chapter contribution to book entitled Sustainable Lifestyles in a New Economy: Ecological Macroeconomics, Socio-technical Transitions, and Social Practices Edited by Maurie Cohen, Halina Brown, and Philip Vergragt. Edward Elgar. Publication Expected 2012
Stephens, JC, A Hansson, Y Liu, H de Coninck, S Vajjhala. 2011. Characterizing the International Carbon Capture and Storage Community. Global Environmental Change. 21: 379-390
Markusson, N, A Ishii and JC Stephens. 2011. The Social and Political Complexities of Learning in CCS Demonstration Projects. Global Environmental Change. 21: 293-302
Boyle, ME, Ross, L, JC Stephens. 2011. Who has a Stake? Stakeholder Salience and the Sustainability of Community-University Partnerships. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. Vol. 4 p. 100-118
Stephens, JC 2011. An Uncertain Future for Carbon Capture and Storage. Public Interest Report (PIR): A Magazine for Science and Security. Vol. 64. No 2. Invited contribution to the Federation of American Scientist Magazine
Stephens, JC 2011. Leadership and Learning: A Faculty Perspective Editorial piece in Mageuzi. IDCE, Clark University. May 2011
Fischlein, M, J Larson, D Hall, R Chaudhry, JC Stephens, TR Peterson, EJ Wilson. 2010. Policy stakeholders and deployment of wind power in the sub-national context: a comparison of four U.S. states. Energy Policy 38: 4429–4439, 2010
Stephens, JC & S Jiusto. 2010. Assessing Innovation in Emerging Energy Technologies: Socio-Technical Dynamics of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in the USA. Energy Policy. 38: 2020-2031
Stephens, JC and AC Graham. 2010. Toward an empirical research agenda for sustainability in higher education: exploring the transition management framework. Journal of Cleaner Production. 18: 611-618
Stephens, JC, G Rand, L Melnick. 2009. Wind Energy in the Media: A Comparative State-Level Analysis of a Critical Climate Change Mitigation Technology. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture. Vol. 3. No. 2 p.168-190.
EJ Wilson and JC Stephens. 2009. Wind in a Carbon-Managed World: States, Resources, Policy and Discourse. Environmental Science and Technology 43 (24): 9063–9070
Stephens, JC 2009. Technology Leader, Policy Laggard: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Development for Climate Mitigation in the U.S. Political Context. Chapter 2 in Caching the Carbon: The Politics and Policy of Carbon Capture and Storage. (eds) J. Meadowcroft and O. Langhelle. Edward ElgarPublishing. Cheltenham, UK. 320p
Stephens, JC, M. E. Hernandez, and M.E. Boyle. 2009. Learning from University-Community Partnerships (Past and Present) for Sustainable Development. George Perkins Marsh Institute Working Paper No. 2009-04. Worcester, MA: Clark University.
Stephens, JC 2009. Socio-political Drivers in the Development of Deliberate Carbon Storage. Chapter in Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle (eds) McPherson, J.M. and Sundquist, E. American Geophysical Union. Washington DC, USA
de Coninck, H., JC Stephens. B Metz. 2009. Global Learning on Carbon Capture and Storage: A Call for Strong International Cooperation on CCS Demonstration. Energy Policy. Vol. 37. No. 6. p. 2161-2165
Stephens, JC, EJ Wilson, and TR Peterson. 2008. Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment (SPEED): An Integrated Research Framework for Analysis of Energy Technology Deployment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 75: 1224–1246
Stephens, JC and DW Keith, 2008. Assessing Geochemical Carbon Management. Climatic Change. 90 (3): 217-242
Stephens, JC, ME Hernandez, M Román, AC Graham, & RW Scholz. 2008. Education as a Change Agent for Sustainability in Different Cultures and Contexts. International Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education. 9 (3): 317-338
Stephens, JC and AC Graham. 2008. Climate Science to Citizen Action: Urgent Need to Energize Non-Formal Climate Science Education. EOS. American Geophysical Union. Vol. 89. No. 22. p. 204-205
Bielicki, J and JC Stephens 2008. Public Perception of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Workshop Report. ETIP Workshop Series. Harvard Kennedy School. Cambridge, MA USA
Stephens, JC 2007. Community Engagement in a First-Year Seminar. New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC) Exchange. Volume 17. No. 2. Spring 2007. p. 3-4
Stephens, JC 2006. Growing Interest in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for Climate Change Mitigation. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy. Vol. 2, Iss. 2.
Stephens, JC 2006. CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage): Research is not Enough Chapter in The World Energy Book. Issue 2. p. 15-18. World Energy Council Publication
Stephens, JC and K Sims Gallagher. 2005. Untie Utilities Hands on Coal. Op-ed in The Albuquerque Journal. March 10, 2005
Stephens, JC 2005. Coal Technologies for a CO2-Constrained World: Current Challenges of Advancing These Technologies OGEL (Oil, Gas, Energy Law Intelligence) Special Issue on Coal. Fall 2005
Stephens, JC 2005. Coupling CO2 Capture and Storage with Coal Gasification: Defining “Sequestration-Ready” IGCC. BCSIA Discussion Paper 2005-09, Energy Technology Innovation Project, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2005.
Stephens, JC & B van der Zwaan. 2005 CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS): Exploring the Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Continuum” BCSIA Discussion Paper 2005-08, Energy Technology Innovation Project, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2005.
2004 and earlier
Stephens, JC and JG Hering. 2004. Factors Affecting the Dissolution Kinetics of Volcanic Ash Soils: Dependencies on CO2, pH and organic acids. Applied Geochemistry. Vol. 19, No. 8, p. 1217-1232
Stephens, JC and JG Hering. 2002. Comparative Characterization of Volcanic Ash Soils Exposed to Decade-Long Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations at Mammoth Mountain, California. Chemical Geology. Vol. 186 No. 3-4, p. 301-313
Stephens, JC 2002. Response of Soil Mineral Weathering to Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Stephens, JC. 2002. Environmental Responsibility in Academia, Ph.D. Graduate Minor in Science, Ethics, and Society. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Stephens, JC 1997-98. Factors limiting the acceptance and use of innovative environmental technologies: A case study of the Solar Aquatics SystemTM (SAS) technology for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Systems. Vol. 26, No. 2, p. 163-170